############################################################################### ### Compute Bayes factors for Pearson's correlation coefficient ### ### Last revised: 06-01-2015 ### Author: Josine Verhagen, a.ly@uva.nl ### www.alexander-ly.com # See Ly, A., Verhagen, A. J. & Wagenmakers, E.-J. (2014). # Harold Jeffreys's Default Bayes Factor Hypothesis Tests: # Explanation, Extension, and Application in Psychology. # Manuscript submitted for publication. # # ############################################################################### require("hypergeo") # 0. Prior specification priorRho <- function(rho, alpha=1) { priorDensity <- 2^(1-2*alpha)*(1-rho^2)^(alpha-1) logNormalisationConstant <- -lbeta(alpha, alpha) result <- exp(logNormalisationConstant)*priorDensity return(result) } priorRhoPlus <- function(rho, alpha=1) { nonNegativeIndex <- rho >=0 lessThanOneIndex <- rho <=1 valueIndex <- as.logical(nonNegativeIndex*lessThanOneIndex) myResult <- rho*0 myResult[valueIndex] <- 2*priorRho(rho[valueIndex], alpha) return(myResult) } # 1.0. Built-up for likelihood functions jeffreysApproxH <- function(n, r, rho) { return(((1 - rho^(2))^(0.5*(n - 1)))/((1 - rho*r)^(n - 1 - 0.5))) } # 2.1 Two-sided main Bayes factor # See Ly et al 2014 or 2015 # 2.2 Two-sided secondairy Bayes factor bf10JeffreysIntegrate <- function(n, r, alpha=1) { # Jeffreys' test for whether a correlation is zero or not # Jeffreys (1961), pp. 289-292 # This is the exact result, see EJ ## if ( any(is.na(r)) ){ return(NaN) } # TODO: use which if (n > 2 && abs(r)==1) { return(Inf) } hyperTerm <- Re(hypergeo::hypergeo((2*n-3)/4, (2*n-1)/4, (n+2*alpha)/2, r^2)) logTerm <- lgamma((n+2*alpha-1)/2)-lgamma((n+2*alpha)/2)-lbeta(alpha, alpha) myResult <- sqrt(pi)*2^(1-2*alpha)*exp(logTerm)*hyperTerm return(myResult) } # 3.0 One-sided preparation mPlusMarginalBJeffreys <- function(n, r, alpha=1){ # Ly et al 2014 # This is the exact result with symmetric beta prior on rho # This is the contribution of one-sided test # # if ( any(is.na(r)) ){ return(NaN) } if (n > 2 && r>=1) { return(Inf) } else if (n > 2 && r<=-1){ return(0) } hyperTerm <- Re(genhypergeo(U=c(1, (2*n-1)/4, (2*n+1)/4), L=c(3/2, (n+1+2*alpha)/2), z=r^2)) logTerm <- -lbeta(alpha, alpha) myResult <- 2^(1-2*alpha)*r*(2*n-3)/(n+2*alpha-1)*exp(logTerm)*hyperTerm return(myResult) } bfPlus0JeffreysIntegrate <- function(n, r, alpha=1){ # Ly et al 2014 # This is the exact result with symmetric beta prior on rho # if ( any(is.na(r)) ){ return(NaN) } if (n > 2 && r>=1) { return(Inf) } else if (n > 2 && r<=-1){ return(0) } bf10 <- bf10JeffreysIntegrate(n, r, alpha) mPlus <- mPlusMarginalBJeffreys(n, r, alpha) if (is.na(bf10) || is.na(mPlus)){ return(NA) } myResult <- bf10+mPlus return(myResult) } ############################################################################### ### Compute Bayes factors for Pearson's correlation coefficient ### ### Last revised: 06-01-2015 ### Author: Josine Verhagen, Alexander Ly ### www.alexander-ly.com # See Wagenmakers, E.-J., Verhagen, A. J. & Ly, A. (2015). # How to quantify the evidence for the absence of a correlation # Manuscript submitted for publication. # ############################################################################### # # TODOTODO: check code for robustness. estimationPosteriorU <- function(rho, n, r, alpha=1){ dataTerm <- (1-rho^2)^((n-1)/2)/((1-rho*r)^((2*n-3)/2))*priorRho(rho, alpha) hyperTerm <- Re(hypergeo(1/2, 1/2, (2*n-1)/2, 1/2+1/2*r*rho)) myResult <- dataTerm*hyperTerm return(myResult) } estimationPosteriorNormalisationConstant <- function(n, r, alpha=1){ # The normalisation constant for the replication Bayes factor integrand <- function(x){estimationPosteriorU(x, n, r, alpha)} myResult <- integrate(integrand, -1, 1)$value return(myResult) } estimationPosterior <- function(rho, n, r, alpha=1){ normalisationConstant <- estimationPosteriorNormalisationConstant(n, r, alpha) myResult <- 1/normalisationConstant*estimationPosteriorU(rho, n, r, alpha) return(myResult) } repPrior <- function(rho, nOri, rOri){ estimationPosterior(rho, n=nOri, r=rOri) } # repPriorU <- function(rho, nOri, rOri){ # dataTerm <- (1-rho^2)^((nOri-1)/2)/((1-rho*rOri)^((2*nOri-3)/2)) # hyperTerm <- Re(hypergeo(1/2, 1/2, (2*nOri-1)/2, 1/2+1/2*rOri*rho)) # myResult <- dataTerm*hyperTerm # return(myResult) # } # # repPriorNormalisationConstant <- function(nOri, rOri){ # # The normalisation constant for the replication Bayes factor # integrand <- function(x){repPriorU(x, nOri, rOri)} # myResult <- integrate(integrand, -1, 1)$value # return(myResult) # } # # repPrior <- function(rho, nOri, rOri){ # normalisationConstant <- repPriorNormalisationConstant(nOri, rOri) # myResult <- 1/normalisationConstant*repPriorU(rho, nOri, rOri) # return(myResult) # } repPosteriorU <- function(rho, nOri, rOri, nRep, rRep){ # Unnormalised posterior for the replication Bayes factor dataTerm <- (1-rho^2)^((nOri+nRep-2)/2)/((1-rho*rRep)^((2*nRep-3)/2)*(1-rho*rOri)^((2*nOri-3)/2)) hyperTerm <- Re(hypergeo(1/2, 1/2, (2*nOri-1)/2, 1/2+1/2*rOri*rho)) myResult <- dataTerm*hyperTerm return(myResult) } repPosteriorNormalisationConstant <- function(nOri, rOri, nRep, rRep){ # The normalisation constant for the replication Bayes factor integrand <- function(x){repPosteriorU(x, nOri, rOri, nRep, rRep)} myResult <- integrate(integrand, -1, 1)$value return(myResult) } repPosterior <- function(rho, nOri, rOri, nRep, rRep){ normalisationConstant <- repPosteriorNormalisationConstant(nOri, rOri, nRep, rRep) myResult <- 1/normalisationConstant*repPosteriorU(rho, nOri, rOri, nRep, rRep) return(myResult) } repBfR0 <- function(rho=0, nOri, rOri, nRep, rRep){ myResult <- repPrior(rho, nOri, rOri)/repPosterior(rho, nOri, rOri, nRep, rRep) return(myResult) } # Just some plotting plotRhoPrior <- function(gammas){ numberOfGammas <- length(gammas) myDomain <- seq(-1, 1, by=0.01) collectionOfPriors <- array(dim=c(numberOfGammas, length(myDomain))) for (i in 1:numberOfGammas){ collectionOfPriors[i, ] <- priorRho(myDomain, alpha=1/gammas[i]) } yLim <- max(collectionOfPriors) par(cex.main=1.5, mar=c(5, 6, 4, 5) + 0.1, mgp=c(3.5, 1, 0), cex.lab=1.5, font.lab=2, cex.axis=1.3, bty="n", las=1) plot(x=NULL, y=NULL, xlim=c(-1, 1), ylim=c(0, yLim), ylab="Prior density", xlab=expression(paste("Correlation ", rho))) for (i in 1:numberOfGammas){ lines(myDomain, collectionOfPriors[i, ], col=i, lwd=2.5, lty=2) } legendText <- vector(, numberOfGammas) for (i in 1:numberOfGammas){ legendText[i] <- paste(expression(gamma), "=", round(gammas[i], 2)) } legend('topright', legend=legendText, lty=2, col=1:numberOfGammas, bty='n', cex=1.2, lwd=2) } plotSensitivity <- function(BF01s, myGamma, xLegend=0.52, arrowCorrect=0.3, arrowStartHeight=1.25, arrowEndHeight=0.15, textHeight=2.25){ par(cex.main=1.5, mar=c(3, 5, 4, 2) + 0.1, mgp=c(2, 0.25, 0), cex.lab=1.5, font.lab=2, cex.axis=1.3, bty="n", las=1) plot(myGamma, log(BF01s), xlab=expression(gamma), ylab="", ylim=c(-log(3), log(100)), xlim=c(0, 1), main="Study 1", axes=FALSE, lwd=2.5, type="l") axis(1, at=seq(0, 1, by=0.25)) axis(2, tcl=0, labels=c("-log(10)", "-log(3)", "log(1)", "log(3)", "log(10)", "log(30)", "log(100)"), at=c(-log(10), -log(3), log(1), log(3), log(10), log(30), log(100))) abline(h=c(-log(10),-log(3), log(1),log(3),log(10),log(30),log(100)), col='grey', lwd=2, lty=2) abline(h=c(log(1)), col='darkgrey',lwd=2,lty=2) spreadOneIndex <- which(myGamma==1) points(1, log(BF01s[spreadOneIndex]), lwd=3) BFNumber <- round(BF01s[spreadOneIndex], 2) # Change BF01s[spreadOneIndex] to analyticBF01[studyNumber] arrows(x0=myGamma[spreadOneIndex]-arrowCorrect, y0=log(BF01s[spreadOneIndex]*exp(arrowStartHeight)), x1=myGamma[spreadOneIndex], y1=log(BF01s[spreadOneIndex]*exp(arrowEndHeight)), col="black", lwd=2, length=0.12) legend(xLegend, log(BF01s[spreadOneIndex]*exp(textHeight)), substitute(BF[0][1]==BFNumber, list(BFNumber=BFNumber)), bty="n", cex=1.7) } plotRhoPosterior <- function(n, r, alpha=1){ numberOfGammas <- length(gammas) myDomain <- seq(-1, 1, by=0.01) collectionOfPriors <- array(dim=c(numberOfGammas, length(myDomain))) for (i in 1:numberOfGammas){ collectionOfPriors[i, ] <- priorRho(myDomain, alpha=1/gammas[i]) } yLim <- max(collectionOfPriors) yLim <- 28 par(cex.main=1.5, mar=c(5, 6, 4, 5) + 0.1, mgp=c(3.5, 1, 0), cex.lab=1.5, font.lab=2, cex.axis=1.3, bty="n", las=1) plot(x=NULL, y=NULL, xlim=c(-1, 1), ylim=c(0, yLim), ylab="Prior density", xlab=expression(paste("Correlation ", rho))) for (i in 1:numberOfGammas){ lines(myDomain, collectionOfPriors[i, ], col=i, lwd=2.5) } legendText <- vector(, numberOfGammas) for (i in 1:numberOfGammas){ legendText[i] <- paste(expression(gamma), "=", round(gammas[i], 2)) } legend('topright', legend=legendText, lty=1, col=1:numberOfGammas, bty='n', cex=1.2, lwd=2) } # Useless makeGammas <- function(n){ myGamma <- sin(seq(1.5*pi, 2*pi, length=n))+1 myGamma[1] <- myGamma[2]/10 myGamma[n] <- 1 return(myGamma) } plotRhoPriorPosterior <- function(n, r, alpha, yLim=10){ rhoDomain <- seq(-1, 1, by=0.001) myGamma <- round(1/alpha, 2) myTitle <- substitute(paste("Prior and posterior with scale ", gamma, "=", v), list(v=myGamma)) par(cex.main=1.5, mar=c(5, 6, 4, 5) + 0.1, mgp=c(3.5, 1, 0), cex.lab=1.5, font.lab=2, cex.axis=1.3, bty="n", las=1) plot(x=NULL, y=NULL, xlim=c(-1, 1), ylim=c(0, yLim), axes=FALSE, xlab=expression(paste("Correlation ", rho)), ylab="Density", main=myTitle) # Prior somePrior <- priorRho(rhoDomain, alpha) priorNull <- priorRho(0, alpha) lines(rhoDomain, y=somePrior, lty=2, lwd=2.5) # Posterior posterior(myDomain somePosterior <- estimationPosterior(rhoDomain, n=n, r=r, alpha=alpha) posteriorNull <- estimationPosterior(0, n=n, r=r, alpha=alpha) lines(rhoDomain, somePosterior, lwd=2.5) # Draw Savage Dickey points points(0, priorNull, pch=19, cex=2.5, col="grey") points(0, posteriorNull, pch=19, cex=2.5, col="grey") points(0, priorNull, pch=21, cex=2.5, col="black") points(0, posteriorNull, pch=21, cex=2.5, col="black") axis(1) axis(2) legendText <- c("Prior", "Posterior") legend("topleft", legend=legendText, lty=c(2, 1), bty="n", cex=1.5) } countNonNAEntries <- function(x, y){ xCheck <- as.numeric(!is.na(x)) yCheck <- as.numeric(!is.na(y)) sum(xCheck*yCheck) }