The following calculations are based on Jeffreys’s (1961, p. 269) Theory of Probability and elaborates why he choose to use a symmetric proper weighting function on the test relevant parameter the population effect size
First, to relate the observed -value to the population effect size
, Jeffreys rewrote the likelihood of
in terms of the effect size
. To calculate the weighted likelihood of
he then choose to set
. By assigning the same weighting function to
as was done for
, we obtain:
The remaining task is to specify , the weighting function for the test-relevant parameter. Jeffreys proposed his weighting function
based on desiderata obtained from hypothetical, extreme data.
Predictive matching: Symmetric ![Rendered by \pi_{1}(\delta)](
The first “extreme” case Jeffreys discusses is when ; this automatically yields
regardless of the value of
. Jeffreys noted that a single datum cannot provide support for
, as any deviation of
from zero can also be attributed to our lack of knowledge of
. Hence, nothing is learned from only one observation and consequently the Bayes factor should equal 1 whenever
To ensure that whenever
, Jeffreys (1961, p. 269) entered
, thus,
into Eq. 2 and noted that
, if
is taken to be symmetric around zero. The proof assumes that
and uses the transformation
, thus,
. Hence, by symmetry of
we get
By swapping the order of integration (Fubini) then yields an integral in terms of that yields the normalisation constant of a normal distribution, that is,
Hence, for symmetric around zero the weighted likelihood of
is then equal to that of the null model whenever